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Give your kids

A strong foundation to build the rest of their life on

We carefully designed our Tiny Tornados program to work on the physical and mental skills necessary for their age group. With drills and games, we work on focus, control, reaction, teamwork, and more to aid in brain and body development and give our students a rock-solid foundation on to build the rest of their life on.

Line of kids showing their confident kicks

Teamwork and social skills

Learning to interact with others is an essential skill. Unfortunately, in this age of lockdowns, much of our youth have been robbed of the opportunity to build these skills. Therefore, we focus significantly on filling the social void covid left in many of our young students and helping them thrive! The activities in class will help develop teamwork and social skills that will benefit our students forever.


True, unwavering confidence is the ultimate superpower. So we focus significantly on building confidence in our students, and the results are amazing. With our youngest students, we have a system of positive reinforcement and praising effort that builds a strong confidence in our students and prepares them for the older kid's class, where we take a slightly different approach. This foundation helps enhance the long-term strategy we take and will build that unwavering superpower confidence we desire for everybody.

Line of kids showing their confident kicks
Student bowing to show respect while receiving new belt in kids class

Discipline, Respect, and Self-control

Our program builds a strong foundation of discipline, respect, and self-control. Complete control over your mind is a necessary pillar of self-improvement that your child can benefit from for the rest of their life. As our students progress through the belts, we find ways to get our students invested in their growth and take ownership of their behavior and mindset to build a habit of discipline that supports them their entire lives.

Self-expression and emotions

As kids interact with screens and technology more and more, their social and emotional skills can suffer. Our classes help our students learn how to handle their emotions healthily, so they are in control of their life, not their emotions. We do this in an empathetic, caring way that builds self-ownership over their behavior, not fear.

Looking to the future

And much more!

There are too many benifits to list here, but here are additional benifits we see in our students.

Coordination & motor skills

Coordination and motor skills help children perform important tasks. The ability to accomplish tasks inside and outside of class helps a child’s self-esteem and confidence grow.

Mental Health

Kids today face unprecidented amounts of pressure in the modern age. Our programs not only help with mindset but the we teach a healthy lifestyle and build healthy habbits that enforce the mental health benfiits.

Foundation for school performance

Taekwondo is scientifically proven to benefit students in school and help their brains develop. Studies show this brain challenge extends beyond Taekwondo to other cognitive tasks resulting in better academic performance.

Grandmaster Kim holds target for student
Make good friends

The influences around you help shape who you are. We try to instill excellence in our students so they can make friends with each other and support that excellence in each other.

Build good habbits

Humans are the habits they cultivate. The earlier you can form good habits, the stronger and longer they will last and support a good healthy life.

Support for parents

It is a tough time to be a parent. Online pressures, pandemics, uncertainty, inflation. Nobody can replace what parents do for their children. We try to be a support system for parents to keep their heads above water so they can continue being the best parents they can be.

Student does Flying Side Kick Over 4 people to break a board

Unlocking true potential

"My favorite part about teaching martial arts is not the martial arts part. It's watching our students realize potential they didn't know was there. Watching confidence grow, insecurities shrink, mental health improve, pain melt away, families grow closer together, leaders develop, and overall happiness and fulfillment climb higher and higher. Providing our students the training, culture, and support they need to achieve their best life is endlessly fulfilling."

Master Brett Williams

Jin Martial Arts Uniform

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Frequently Asked Questions

Not at all! Most likely the opposite. We focus on having complete control over your mind and your body. Part of controlling your mind is controlling your emotions. For example, aggression is an emotion that often stems from anger, jealousy, and hate. These emotions generally stem from a lack of confidence and control. Our classes help our students build both confidence and control.

For kids class, we start them at 7, but we also have Tiny Tornados, classes designed specifically for ages 4-6. (sometimes 3 with evaluation)

Yes, we offer family discounts, but it changes depending on the program, so please call us or make an evaluation/consultation appointment for a personal consultation session to find out what programs work best for you and your family.

For Tiny Tornados, the program allows for 2 classes per week. We find this to be the best balance for this age group.

We do have set days for classes, however, if your schedule does not allow that, please contact us, and we can work something out for your situation. Also, as long as there is space in a class, members are more than welcome to make up classes on off days, but priority is given to students who have that class as a scheduled day.

Tae Kwon Do is a physical activity, and like any physical activity, there is a risk of injury. However, we put a significant focus on safety. We have decades of experience teaching martial arts properly and safely. So while there is always a risk, you can be confident that your safety is our number one priority.

As of now, we do not do sparring in Tiny Tornados class, but if we do, it will not be required, and anybody who does not wish to participate will always have other drills to do.

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Beyond self-defense to self-defining. Giving people the tools to live safe, happy, healthy, purpose driven lives through martial arts.


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