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We go

Beyond self-defense to

Our self-defense training is world-class and unmatchable. But for those that need it, we go beyond that. We design our programs to build the mindset and skills in our students to truly become the best version of themselves and live a life of no regrets and empowerment. We help our students take control of their life. This is a true Black Belt mindset.

Grandmaster Dong Jin Kim throws an opponent

Self Defense

Being able to defend yourself is an essential element of a safe, happy life. It also has the added benefit of building your confidence and making those you love feel safe and secure around you.

Under the training of 9th-degree black belt Grandmaster Dong Jin Kim, we understand practical martial arts to a level most martial arts schools don't understand. Go to any other school, and you'll be doing basic punches, forms, and basic blocks forever. We, however, understand how to apply these techniques to actual practical, effective self-defense and can answer the "why" of all the methods and moves we teach in class.


True, unwavering confidence is the ultimate superpower. So we focus significantly on building confidence in our students. It's one thing to tell yourself in the bathroom mirror to be more confident; it's a whole other thing to BE confident deep to your core. We carefully design our programs to build this subconscious, instinctual confidence in our students. Our students are shocked at the change they see in themselves.

Line of kids showing their confident kicks
Student bowing to show respect while receiving new belt in kids class

Look and feel younger. Ease pain

Modern life does not make it easy to stay active, yet keeping our bodies in motion is so unbelievably essential. Sedentary lifestyles are linked to an increased risk of many life-threatening illnesses, pain in our body, depression, and much more. Let us help you build a habit of keeping your body healthy and watch your pain melt away as you begin to feel and look younger and healthier.

Improved mental health

We developed our programs to work on our student's bodies and their minds. Modern life is very demanding, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed. As you sweat during class, it acts as a release valve for much of the stress that builds up during your day-to-day life. As you progress through the belts, your body and mind will strengthen, and you will find that the daily pressures become more manageable. We are not a body or a mind; we are both. So we must take care of both.

Looking to the future

And much more!

There are too many benifits to list here, but here are additional benifits we see in our students.

Boost your immune system

In these crazy Covid times, a healthy immune system has never been more critical. Exercise is proven to strengthen your immune system.

Lose Weight

Our classes will burn calories and be a significant factor in your weight loss goals. Let us help you reach your goals!

Sense of community

We are dedicated to building a strong bond between our members. Through classes, events, and trips abroad to places like Korea and Japan, we want a strong sense of community of people looking to support each other and help each other grow.

Grandmaster Kim holds target for student
Beat procrastination

For those that have problems following through, that is what we are here for. We will help you and coach you to your goals. We are very invested in the success of our students.

Build good habits

It is never too late to form good habits that will last and support you the rest of your life. But as you get older, it does become more challenging. Let us help you get the ball rolling.

Inspire others

People look up to those that work hard towards a goal. We find that our students often inspire those around them and start a chain reaction of improvement in the social circles around them.


Jin Martial Arts has rekindled my love of martial arts. The adult classes focus not just on the forms but also on practicality. And as a bonus the class works to increase my flexible and is a fun cardio workout.

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Ben Hensey
Adult Student
Jin Martial Arts Uniform

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Research shows that those who don't take immediate action towards a desire often never take that first step. Don't let that be you. We're offering a FREE, zero-risk, no-strings-attached class to kick-start your journey and put momentum on your side!

Let's make it happen – together. Don't let another day, month or year pass wishing you had started. 💪
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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we offer family discounts, but it changes depending on program so please call us or make an evaluation/consultation appointment for a personal consultation session to find out what programs work best for you and your family.

We find that 2-3 classes per week are an excellent balance for most members. However, you can add additional days to your schedule as well.

We do have set days for classes, however if your schedule does not allow that please contact us and we can work something out for your situation.

To ensure we deliver our students the skills and benefits we promise, we have strict requirements for our belts compared to most other martial arts schools. This also ensures we can keep our classes as safe as possible. However, if you have a belt from another school, we will let you test with us privately to the point where you fit in our curriculum or until you reach your current belt. This is a very case-by-case thing, so please contact us to discuss your specific situation.

Tae Kwon Do is a physical activity, and like any physical activity, there is a risk of injury. However, we put a significant focus on safety. We have decades of experience teaching martial arts properly and safely. So while there is always a risk, you can be confident that your safety is the number one priority.

No, sparring is not required. Anybody who does not wish to participate in the sparring elements will always have alternate activities. However, we believe that sparring and putting your skills to actual use is hugely beneficial to increasing your self-defense skills. It also maximizes your confidence and personal growth, so it is encouraged that students consider it. There is a vast difference between controlled training sparring and the more intense competitive sparring you might be familiar with. We would be happy to talk with you about our sparring and how we can safely and systematically introduce you to it. Still, in the end, if its not for you, that is entirely alright and understandable.

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Beyond self-defense to self-defining. Giving people the tools to live safe, happy, healthy, purpose driven lives through martial arts.


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